Lets Talk Fareham - Return to Open Consultations Page

Welborne Application - August 2019

  1. 02 Aug 2019
  2. to
  3. 30 Aug 2019
  4. This consultation has closed

What we are proposing

A number of technical changes have been made to some existing documentation for the Welborne Application along with some additional assessments. These have now been put together as part of the planning application.

You Said

The full application was heard in public at the Planning meeting on 16th October 2019

We Did

The planning application is now closed. The application was approved and the latest press release dated 16 October 2019 is here: https://www.fareham.gov.uk/latest_news/pressrelease/pr_20191016_1

The outline planning application was determined at a Planning Committee held on 16 October 2019 resulting in a resolution to grant.

An outline planning application was submitted by Buckland Development Ltd in 2017 in respect of Welborne Garden Village. The main proposals in the application are outlined below:

- A new community of up to 6000 homes
- A district centre and smaller village centre, with shops and community facilities
Commercial, industrial, warehousing and employment space
- A secondary school and 3 primary schools
Parks, green open spaces and sports pitches
- A remodelled M27 J10 to turn it into an all moves junction
- Works to the A32 including the creation of three highway junctions and new crossing(s)
- Connections to the surrounding cycle way and pedestrian network
