Lets Talk Fareham - Return to Open Consultations Page

Virtual Fareham in Bloom

  1. 26 Jul 2021
  2. to
  3. 06 Aug 2021
  4. This consultation has closed

What we are proposing

Voting for our Virtual Fareham in Bloom competition is open!

Over the last six weeks, green fingered residents have been submitting their entries, showing off their gardens or outdoor features. A total of 155 entries were received and all the entrants will now be put to the public vote.

There are two ways to vote for your favourite:

•Through the Council’s Facebook page, where you can simply ‘like’ your favourite image for each category
•Using the online voting form linked above

You can vote in as many of the categories as you wish. The public vote will close on 6 August. A panel of judges will also select their winners for each category.

All winners will receive a prize. Prizes have been kindly donated by St Margaret’s Nurseries, Fareham Shopping Centre and Westbury Manor Museum.
