Lets Talk Fareham - Return to Open Consultations Page

Taking the Lead on Responsible Dog Ownership

  1. 19 Nov 2018
  2. to
  3. 14 Jan 2019
  4. This consultation has closed

What we are proposing

We want to take the lead in encouraging responsible dog ownership within the Borough. Whilst most dog owners act considerately, a minority do not always do so. Complaints about dog fouling and nuisance behavior when dogs are not under proper control are regularly made to the Council and are becoming more frequent on social media.

We would like to extend the current Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) and expand it's powers to:

• Tackle Dog Fouling

• Ensure people have a means to pick up dog litter

• Request dogs be put on leads if causing a nuisance in public

• Ensure dogs are put on leads in sensitive places e.g. cemeteries

• Limit the numbers of dogs one person can walk

• Exclude dogs from certain areas e.g. play areas

None of the proposed powers and restrictions in the proposed PSPO will apply to people who rely on assistance dogs or are registered blind.

Alternatively if you require a paper survey please send a request to consultation@fareham.gov.uk or phone our consultation team on 01329 824409.

You Said

A consultation on the PSPO proposals was carried out between 19 November 2018 and 14 January 2019. The public, statutory consultees and relevant canine organisations such as dog walking companies, assistance dog charities and the Kennel Club were encouraged to take part.

The consultation was promoted using posters, press releases, the E-panel, social media and the Council's website. There was a static display outlining proposals in Fareham Shopping Centre throughout the consultation. Promotional banners were also located in the Civic Offices, libraries and the Council's two leisure centres. In addition, an engagement session took place at Hill Head Sailing Club, supported by officers speaking to dog walkers in Hill Head promenade.

We Did

The result of the PSPO consultation was taken to the March Executive on 4 March 2019 and it was agreed that -

(a) the draft Public Spaces Protection Order presented to the Executive on 5 November 2018 is amended as follows:
i. the 'means of pick up' is excluded from the order;

ii. the proposed extension of the 'dog exclusion zone' on Hill Head beach is excluded from the order;

iii. the proposed 'dogs on lead' on Cliff Road Promenade is excluded from the order;

iv. alteration to the definition of people who rely on assistance dogs be included as per paragraph 31 (See Report to the Exec);

In total 1,168 people and organisations took part in the consultation, 65% of whom were dog owners.

The amendments to the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) came into effect on Monday 1 April 2019.
