Lets Talk Fareham - Return to Open Consultations Page

Have your say on play areas in Fareham

  1. 06 Mar 2023
  2. to
  3. 31 Mar 2023
  4. This consultation has closed

What we are proposing

As part of a five-year programme of improvements to fifteen play areas, running up to 2028, three play areas are expected to be upgraded this year and would like to hear your views on how they could be made better.

The three play areas are:

• Seafield Park, Illustrious Road, Hill Head
• Badgers Copse, junction of Badgers Copse and Squirrel Close, Park Gate
• Fielding Road, Sarisbury

Residents can find out about the proposed improvements and give their views in the surveys above.
Please note that there is a separate survey for each play area, and residents are welcome to comment on all three.

The consultation will close on 31 March.

You Said


140 respondents completed the Seafield Park Play area survey
30 respondents completed the Fielding Road Play area survey
29 respondents completed the Badgers Copse Play area survey

We Did

Improvement works to the three play areas is due to commence Autumn 2023
