Lets Talk Fareham - Return to Open Consultations Page

Optimising Social Housing

  1. 16 Sep 2019
  2. to
  3. 25 Oct 2019
  4. This consultation has closed

What we are proposing

Social housing in Fareham is either owned and managed by the Council or by Housing Associations (sometimes called Registered Providers). By law, all housing authorities must have a policy which sets out how these homes are allocated to residents in housing need.

Our existing policy, written in 2014, needed to be reviewed to reflect new legislation and changes to service delivery. We want to ensure that the allocation of social housing is fair, transparent and prioritises people according to need. We believe that overall, the existing criteria are well balanced. However, there are a small number of changes we would like to propose and are looking for the views of our tenants, residents, partners and stakeholders on these.

You Said

The consultation received really positive feedback. Some minor adjustments were made based on the survey results.

We Did

The new policy was adopted by the Council at the Executive meeting of 16th November 2019
