Lets Talk Fareham - Return to Open Consultations Page

Metcalfe Avenue Play Area

  1. 04 Nov 2020
  2. to
  3. 02 Dec 2020
  4. This consultation has closed

What we are proposing

We're improving Metcalfe Avenue play area in Stubbington. As part of the new improvements we could repaint the existing equipment, as well as having a general tidy up of the play area.

Other ideas we have to improve the play area include adding play panels and floor graphics.

We'd like to know what you would like to see there by taking part in the survey above until 23 November.

You Said

The Majority of people wanted to replace the Trim Trail with a Large Multi-Climbing Unit.

We Did

Improvements to the play area will commence in October 2021. The existing items of equipment will be repainted and the trim trial will be replaced with a new multi-climbing unit.
