Lets Talk Fareham - Return to Open Consultations Page

Revised Publication Local Plan

  1. 18 Jun 2021
  2. to
  3. 30 Jul 2021
  4. This consultation has closed

What we are proposing

For you to have your say on the Revised Publication version of the Local Plan.

This consultation is in the final stage before the Plan is submitted to a Government Planning Inspector for independent examination. It is different from previous consultations as it no longer seeks views on alternative options.

We encourage you to visit our virtual exhibition to find out more about the Plan, what has changed since last time and what you can comment on.

You can make comments on the latest changes to the Plan, known as representations, by clicking on the 'Make a Representation (Comment)' button above. If you cannot use the online system, a printable copy of the response form is available to download above or on request from the Council at the Civic
Offices or by calling 01329 824601.

Response forms can be returned by email to consultation@fareham.gov.uk or by post to:

The Consultation Team,
Fareham Borough Council,
Civic Offices,
Civic Way,
PO16 7AZ.

Please submit your comments by 30th July 2021.

We Did

Fareham Borough Council formally adopted the ‘Fareham Local Plan 2037’ on the 5th April 2023.

The Local Plan was found to be sound by the Government appointed Planning Inspector, subject to some changes known as ‘Main Modifications’, which the Council has agreed to adopt.

The Fareham Local Plan 2037 will now become part of the Council’s Policy Framework that will used by the Planning Committee when considering planning applications and will sit alongside the Welborne Plan.

The adopted plan can be found in the link above.
