Lets Talk Fareham - Return to Open Consultations Page

Let's Talk Polling Places

  1. 08 May 2024
  2. to
  3. 26 Jul 2024
  4. This consultation has closed

We are asking

We are required to review the polling districts and places within the Borough every 5 years. This is to ensure that all electors continue to have access to reasonable facilities to vote in person during an Election.

Following the recent Council and Police and Crime Commissioner elections, we would like to hear your views on the polling place where you vote. We are particularly keen to get feedback on the accessibility of your polling place.

You can tell us what you think by completing the short survey linked by 5 June

What can you Influence?

Accessibility of your polling place.

What can't you Influence?

The legal requirments for running an election

You said

Let's Talk Polling Places

We did

The responses of the Polling Districts and Places consultation were presented alongside the proposed scheme at the 26 November meeting of the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Committee.

You can view the report to the Committee here.

The final scheme for Polling Districts and Polling Places was adopted for the next four years, at the 12 December  2024 Council meeting




