Lets Talk Fareham - Return to Open Consultations Page

Help us plan for the future of Fareham Town Centre

  1. 15 Feb 2017
  2. to
  3. 26 Mar 2017
  4. This consultation has closed

What we are proposing

Fareham Town Centre is well connected for business, shopping and leisure, with facilities that attract people from across the Borough. Our aim is to build on the strengths of the town centre to make it an even more attractive place to live, work and visit.

The vision

We have outlined what we think the town centre should have:

• Much needed housing with parking
• A wider choice of shops
• An evening economy
• A better cultural, community and leisure offer
• The right amount of parking in the right places
• Improve the walkways and signage around the town centre

The vision focuses on five key areas within Fareham Town Centre, each with their own character.

You Said

We ran a public survey, held a business breakfast and a series of consultation events in the town centre as well as visiting Fareham College.

We Did

The results of the consultation fed into the Fareham Town Centre Final Regeneration Vision document which was approved at a meeting of the Council's Executive on 10 July.

You can find out more about the vision by visiting the Planning the Future of Fareham Town Centre webpage.
