Lets Talk Fareham - Return to Open Consultations Page

Help to shape the future of your town centre!

  1. 29 Nov 2023
  2. to
  3. 07 Dec 2023
  4. This consultation has closed

What we are proposing

Fareham Town Centre today

Across the UK, the way people shop and what they use town centres for is changing. While Fareham town centre has a range of services and shops, there is also an increasing number of vacancies, particularly in the shopping centre itself. The layout of the shopping centre does not provide easy routes between Fareham Live (opening in 2024), the library, the health centre, Council offices and the shopping and entertainment offered in West Street and into Market Quay beyond.

Possibilities for change

There is a real and exciting opportunity for change since the Council bought Fareham Shopping Centre in September 2023.

We would like to have more homes in the town centre as well as ensuring any changes in the town centre offering of shops, services and entertainment will better serve our community’s changing needs. We also want to create more interesting and high-quality outdoor public spaces and vibrant uses during the day and evening.

An initial listening exercise took place between Wednesday 29 November and Wednesday 6 December involving a survey and three face-to-face events.

You Said

Thank you for your participation!

Over 1,000 Fareham businesses, residents and visitors participated in Fareham Borough Council's town centre listening exercise at the start of this month.

The feedback, together with wider technical work, has informed the first stage in the regeneration process, leading to five key strategic objectives that will used to guide and influence future plans. These are:

1) Address connectivity issues;

2) Consolidate retail and introduce new vibrant uses (including housing);

3) Make the most of Fareham's inherent qualities;

4) Make the Town Centre more attractive; and

5) Create a unique selling point/points.

To find out more please read the Initial Engagement Summary Report and the Fareham Town Centre Regeneration Strategy and Action Plan that went to the Executive on 8 Janaury 2024.

While the initial listening exercise period has closed, residents can still share views on what they like about the town centre, what they would change and determine what other uses could be incorporated by emailing consultations@fareham.gov.uk.

We Did

A report summarising your feedback and ideas was presented to the 8 January 2024 meeting of the Council's Executive. You can read the 'Initial Engagement Summary Report' and 'Strategy and Action Plan' reports by clicking on the relevant buttons above.

Further engagement with key interest groups, residents, businesses, shoppers and visitors will be carried out over January and February to help shape the evolving ideas. The findings, including options for further consideration, will be presented to the Executive meeting in March 2024 before going on to develop a regeneration strategy and action plan for the town centre.
