Lets Talk Fareham - Return to Open Consultations Page

Have your say on Hampshire’s new Local Transport Plan

  1. 13 Apr 2022
  2. to
  3. 26 Jun 2022
  4. This consultation has closed

What we are proposing

The County Council is asking for views on a draft Local Transport Plan (LTP4) that aims to support the county’s economic prosperity, decarbonise the transport system, and help people in Hampshire live healthy lives. The LTP4 will define the future of travel and transport in Hampshire to 2050.

The plan proposes transformational changes which:
• Shift away from planning for vehicles, towards planning for people and places
• Reduce reliance on private car travel
• Support economic development and regeneration
• Meet national priorities to decarbonise the transport system
• Promote active lifestyles

You can submit your comments using the link above.

Subject to the results of the consultation the new Local Transport Plan is expected to be adopted by early 2023.

For any queries or further information please email: strategic.transport@hants.gov.uk or call: 0300 555 1388

You Said

The consultation was open from 4 April 2022 and closed at 11:59pm on 26 June 2022. The consultation received 849 responses, of which 770 were submitted via the consultation Response Form, and 79 as unstructured responses via email, letter or social media.

You can read the consultation report in the link above.

We Did

Feedback has been analysed and is being considered as part of the ongoing development of the final strategy.
