Lets Talk Fareham - Return to Open Consultations Page

Help choose a name for new leisure and community facilities

  1. 20 Nov 2023
  2. to
  3. 03 Jan 2024
  4. This consultation has closed

What we are proposing

As part of the first steps in a programme to transform the Fareham North West community centre and leisure facilities next to Henry Cort Drive, we need your help with what we should call it.

Fareham Borough has been awarded £1 million from the Government's Shared Prosperity Fund. Following this successful application for funding, up to £700,000 has been allocated to help deliver the Masterplan and Phase 1 of this project.

You Said

We are delighted to announce that that the new name for the programme to transform the Fareham North West community and leisure facilities adjacent to Henry Cort Drive will be 'Fareham Park'.

Fareham Park was the clear winner with 2,486, out of the total 2,594 votes. This name reflects the new ward name of the area which comes into effect for this year's local elections in May (currently this is Fareham North West).

We Did

The next steps:

The Council has appointed consultants Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands to develop plans for the programme in more detail, using UKSPF funding. They are securing the views of the public regarding what the new facility will need to meet their needs, through a series of workshops with local community groups and services. Findings from these sessions will then published on the 'Let's Talk Fareham' Facebook group, to enable the wider community to have their say. You can stay involved by visiting the 'Let's Talk Fareham' Facebook group in the link above.

The plans that are developed following this consultation will form a major part of a public exhibition giving the whole community an opportunity to comment on them and ensure that everyone's needs have been considered.
