Lets Talk Fareham - Return to Open Consultations Page

Have your say on Self and Custom Build Housing for Planning Applications

  1. 30 May 2023
  2. to
  3. 11 Jul 2023
  4. This consultation has closed

What we are proposing

Self and custom build housing encompasses a wide spectrum of projects from an individual physically designing and building their own home to developers custom-building homes to individuals’ specifications.

The draft Self and Custom Build Housing Supplementary Planning Document provides guidance and advice to Fareham Council as the local planning authority, developers, landowners, aspiring self and custom builders and the community, to enable the delivery of self-build and custom homes through successful planning applications.

Residents can read the documents in the links above and make a representation.

Representations must be made by 11:59pm on the 11th July 2023 and submitted via post or email:

By email

Comments can be submitted by emailing planningpolicy@fareham.gov.uk and will be accepted if sent before the closing date. You will receive confirmation that your comments have been received.

By post

If you are sending your comments by post, please allow sufficient time for delivery. Responses can be posted to the Council's Civic Offices:

Fareham Borough Council
Planning Strategy
Civic Offices, Civic Way
Fareham, Hampshire
PO16 7AZ

You Said

The consultation on the draft Self & Custom Build Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) took place for 6 weeks from 30th May to 11th July 2023 and received a total of 13 responses. The Council have considered these and the draft SPD has been amended where necessary as a result.

We Did

The final SPD will be presented to the Council’s Executive in Autumn 2023 for proposed adoption.
