Lets Talk Fareham - Return to Open Consultations Page

Have your say on our Strategy for Future Development

  1. 13 Jan 2020
  2. to
  3. 01 Mar 2020
  4. This consultation has closed

What we are proposing

Fareham Borough Council invited residents to have their say on future development across the Borough by taking part in a consultation on the Draft Local Plan Supplement between January and March 2020.

Residents were able to attend Community Action Team Meetings and exhibitions across the Borough to find out more about the proposals. Paper surveys, consultation documents and supporting evidence were made available as well as the online survey.

You Said

365 people attended CAT meetings, 195 attended CAT exhibitions and a further 220 visited pop up exhibitions, a total of 804 people completed surveys. We received consultation responses from statutory agencies and representations from developers and landowners.
These are now being analysed and the results will be fed in to the next phase of the process in which we bring together the 2017 and 2020 documents into a single Publication Plan.

We Did

In view of the current disruption to services as a result of the Coronavirus, the Council will keep under review whether it is possible to stick to the current timetable for the preparation of the Local Plan. The next stage, the Council’s approval of the Publication Plan ahead of full public consultation, is currently set for the Spring/Summer 2020. If a review of this date proves necessary the Council will publicise any changes to the timetable well in advance.
