Lets Talk Fareham - Return to Open Consultations Page

Have your say on our plans for the new Osborn Road Car Park

  1. 11 Jan 2023
  2. to
  3. 07 Feb 2023
  4. This consultation has closed

What we are proposing

We are replacing Osborn Road Multi-Storey car park with a new surface car park with around 139 modern sized spaces, solar energy generation and electric vehicle charging facilities. Work on the new car park is planned to start this year in time for the opening of Fareham Live in early 2024.

This survey asks for your comments on our proposed plans. We are also interested in hearing from residents and businesses close to the site to help ensure construction can be managed in a considerate way for them.

Your comments will help make sure our plans meet the needs of visitors, residents and businesses. The feedback on construction will be used when we look to procure a contractor to carry out the construction works.

You can comment on the proposals, using the survey above, up until 7 February.

You Said

There is not enough parking to meet the needs of the town centre.

Over the last 10 years there has been a steady reduction in the number of cars parked at Osborn Road. Levels of use in most of the town centre’s car parks have been slow to recover after the pandemic. Osborn Road was at an average of 20% capacity in May 2022, with many of those parking there being Council staff.

When the new car park is complete, there will be 1,096 spaces within a 5-minute walk of our new community arts and entertainment centre, Fareham Live and the wider town centre. This is enough to accommodate the town’s parking needs.

Why are you a proposing a reduction in accessible parking bays and changing the Shopmobility location?

The current level of accessible parking bays in Osborn Road is mainly designed to serve Shopmobility customers as well as the much higher level of parking use prior to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Discussions are now underway over a new central town centre location for Shopmobility with the operator, Communities First Wessex.

We plan monitor the use of all car parks across the town centre to see how the patterns of use develop when the existing Multi Storey Car Park is demolished.

There is a decrease in Parent/Child Parking bays in the new design.

Whilst we have no dedicated provision in the new surface car park, all parking spaces will be wider in length, width and without the columns that impact on the space available in the existing car park. This will greatly improve accessibility for all users.
We have also recently added parent and child bays into the Fareham Shopping Centre Car Park and it now provides:

Level 1
Disabled parking bays = 5
Parent and child parking bays = 3

Level 2
Disabled parking bays = 5
Parent and child parking bays = 4

Level 3
Disabled parking bays = 2

There is nothing wrong with the existing car park, why not upgrade rather than replace it?

Designed in the 1970’s, the multi-storey is over 48 years old and has reached the end of its useful life. With the condition deteriorating and the construction standards for concrete multi storey car parks changing, the structure is recognised as being flawed.

An option to undertake a full refurbishment was considered. However, technical feasibility works have shown that a refurbishment option is more complex and more expensive. In 2021, the works were estimated to be £8m and therefore, no longer considered financially viable.

How will you minimise disturbance to local residents and businesses during the construction works?

A detailed plan will be produced setting out how the demolition of the multi-storey and construction of the new surface car park will be carried out. This will consider the affect upon neighbouring properties, the general public and businesses stating how any potential problems will be addressed/mitigated. The feedback from this consultation will help us ensure that we are a considerate neighbour during construction.

What are the next steps?

A planning application (P/23/0083/FP) for the proposal was submitted on 18 January 2023, which you can view on its dedicated webpage linked above. The consultation period ended on 3 March however representations made after the closing date will still be considered. It’s anticipated that a decision will be made by the Planning Committee in April 2023. If approved, constructors would need to be appointed, with the aim of having the new car park completed around the time of the opening of Fareham Live
