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Have your say on our Draft New Corporate Strategy 2023-2029

  1. 07 Jun 2023
  2. to
  3. 05 Jul 2023
  4. This consultation has closed

What we are proposing

The Corporate Strategy is an important document that guides the work of the Council. It influences budget planning, day-to-day service delivery and determines the large-scale projects we will complete over the next six years.

The Council’s current Strategy comes to an end this year, so work has been carried out to draft a new one.

You can read our draft new Corporate Strategy 2023-2029 in the link above. It is informed by the Demographics document and builds upon the Achievements Document both are available to read in the links above.

Have your say by completing the survey above. The survey will provide a brief overview of our new Priorities and corporate projects. We will then ask if you agree with our approach and whether you think we have missed anything.

Feedback from this consultation will be presented to the Council’s Policy and Resources Scrutiny Panel and Executive before the new Corporate Strategy is approved.

You Said

The survey took place from 5 June to 5 July and received a total of 74 responses. The full consultation analysis can be found in the link above.

Responses to the consultation have now been analysed and will be presented to the Executive on 9 October 2023 with the recommendation that the Corporate Strategy 2023-2029 be reported to Council on 26 October 2023 for adoption.

We Did

The Council agreed the adoption of the Corporate Strategy 2023-2029. The link to the report can be found above.
