Lets Talk Fareham - Return to Open Consultations Page

Have your say on our Draft Empty Homes Strategy

  1. 05 Jun 2023
  2. to
  3. 17 Jul 2023
  4. This consultation has closed

What we are proposing

The draft Empty Homes Strategy sets out our plans for bringing long-term empty homes in the Borough back into use.

There are just over 50,000 residential properties in the Borough.

Nationally properties are considered long term empty when they have been vacant for more than 12-months. Our winter 2022 Council tax records showed only 87 privately owned homes were empty this long.

Whilst this level is low, particularly when compared to national rates, we recognise that empty homes can be disrupting to local communities, and frustrating for nearby residents.

With this in mind, we would like to hear your views on the proposed Empty Homes Strategy by completing the survey in the link above.

Please read the draft Empty Homes strategy in the link above before telling us what you think. Your comments will help make sure our proposed approach is right for the Borough.

You Said

Public consultation on the draft Empty Homes Strategy began on the 03 June and closed on 17 July 2023 (a period of 6 weeks). An online survey was used to gather feedback from local residents.

Responses to the consultation have now been analysed and will be presented to the Executive on 9 October 2023 with the recommendation that the Empty Homes strategy be adopted. The consultation response summary can be found in the link above.

We Did

Executive agreed to adopt the Empty Homes Strategy. The report to Executive can be found above.
