Lets Talk Fareham - Return to Open Consultations Page

Have Your Say on Future Development in Fareham - Issues & Options

  1. 10 Jun 2019
  2. to
  3. 26 Jul 2019
  4. This consultation has closed

What we are proposing

In 2017 residents in the borough took part in the Draft Local Plan consultation. We received over 8000 responses of this plan. When the Plan was about to move to its next stage of consultation to be adopted there was a change in the way the Planning Authority had to determine Housing Need. This led to a new formula being produced by Central Government.

The formula which used ONS (Office of National Statistics) data specified the new need for Fareham was required to move from 420 houses per year to 520 houses per year until 2036. This was due to population demand, people living longer, and families requiring more than one house due to separations, and people living longer. Due to this increase, the Planning team within Fareham Borough Council decided to re-consult on the Draft Local Plan.

To enable the Planning team to identify the flavour of where the sites are which residents wanted to protect and where they suggested building, the Consultation team alongside the Planning team jointly produced an Issues and Options consultation. This consultation asked for comments on the whole borough, part of it asked for sites from the public that were derelict or running in disrepair that possibly could also be assessed for building on.

You Said

A total of 477 survey responses were submitted (plus an additional 15 submitted by statutory consultees and other planning stakeholders).
These 477 responses contained a total of 1495 comments on individual questions.

From the outcomes of this consultation, the Council was able to draft new proposed policies which protected coastline areas and landscapes. They also put together a Supplement documentation which specified areas which might best support development compared to those that were not. These new policies form the Draft Local Plan Supplement which was consulted upon in the early part of 2020.

We Did
