Lets Talk Fareham - Return to Open Consultations Page

Have your say on 20mph speed limits across Hampshire

  1. 20 Jul 2022
  2. to
  3. 12 Sep 2022
  4. This consultation has closed

What we are proposing

The County Council is keen to hear from as many residents, businesses and other stakeholders as possible, to find out their views on the implementation of 20mph limits in the context of other highways priorities and the County Council's statutory duties to maintain the highway in a safe condition within a limited budget.

The findings from the survey, together with data about use of the highway, speed enforcement, road safety and environmental impacts will be important in helping to shape future policy relating to 20mph speed limits in Hampshire and, in turn, future decision-making around 20mph speed limits.

You can submit your comments using the link above.

If you have any queries about the consultation, please contact:

Email: traffic.management@hants.gov.uk
Phone: 0300 555 1388

You Said

Approximately 9,500 responses were received from the 20mph public consultation which has taken some to analyse. The 20mph Task & Finish Working Group will report their findings and recommendations, including the findings of the consultation, to the Universal Services Transport and Environment Select Committee on 23 January 2023 which in turn will lead to a report by the end of 2023. The report (item 8) is available in the link above.
