We are asking
The Council has received funding to improve the community and leisure facilities in the Fareham North West area, now called Fareham Park. As part of the first phase of works, the play area and multi-use games area, next to Fareham North West Community Centre, will be relocated and made even better. We need you to help decide what play equipment could be installed at the new play area and what other recreational facilities you would prefer.
You said

We did
A report was sent to the Executive Member for Leisure and Community and and the contract for the Fareham Park play and recreational facilities was awarded to Eibe Play LTD.
View the final design here
The exciting new design will replace the current play area adjacent to Fareham North West community centre and has been influenced by many suggestions and comments collated throughout a comprehensive consultation that included public meetings, consultation surveys and the ‘Let’s Talk Fareham Park’ Facebook page.
Fareham Park play area is the first step in a programme to transform the existing Fareham north-west community and leisure facilities by relocating the existing play and recreational facilities from its current location to Fareham Park Recreation Ground.
The play area improvements are expected to be complete by Spring 2025.