Lets Talk Fareham - Return to Open Consultations Page

Eastern Parade Play Area

  1. 15 May 2018
  2. to
  3. 12 Jun 2018
  4. This consultation has closed

What we are proposing

Residents were asked to take part in an online survey to help the Council decide what play area equipment should be installed at the play area.

You Said

Overall 74 respondents took part in the online survey and of these 66% wanted a large multi-climbing unit to be installed, compared to 34% who preferred four smaller items of equipment.

We Did

Information about the play area designs can be located by clicking on the 'Play area plan' webpage above. Information about the play area designs can be located by clicking on the 'Play area plan' webpage above. The Press Release dated 5 April 2019 above explains that improvements include a new boat play unit and access has been improved with a new pathway and dropped kerbs.

Traditional games and graphics have also been painted on the ground at the play area and equipment has been repainted and cleaned to make the play areas look as good as new.

Before work began, residents were consulted and asked to vote on what pieces of equipment they wanted in the play areas.
