Lets Talk Fareham - Return to Open Consultations Page

Draft Off Street Parking Places (Amendment 7) Order 2023

  1. 05 May 2023
  2. to
  3. 09 Jun 2023
  4. This consultation has closed

We are asking

For you to comment on the Council's proposals to make the following changes to the Off Street Parking Places Order:

a. Introduce charges in Wicor Recreation Car Park of £1.10 per hour between 10am-6pm Monday-Friday, £1.10 for one hour, £2.20 for four hours and £4.40 for eight hours between 10am-6pm Saturday-Sunday;
b. Amend the plan for Wicor Recreation Car Park; and
c. Include Wicor Recreation Car Park as a Coastal Car Park meaning that a Coastal Car Parks Season Ticket may be used in Wicor Recreation Car Park.

A copy of the proposed Order and a Statement of Reasons for these proposals are available through the links above.

Any objections or representations relating to the Order must be made in writing by 5pm on the 9 June 2023, specifying which Order they relate to, the grounds on which they are made, and addressed to:

Head of Environmental Health,
Fareham Borough Council,
Civic Offices,
Civic Way,
PO16 7AZ

You can also email IRickman@Fareham.gov.uk

You Said

The engagement exercise took place between 5 May 2023 and 9 June 2023. A total of 25 responses were received from a range of interested parties including regular car park users, AFC Portchester, and residents. A majority, but not all, respondents opposed the proposed charges being introduced at Wicor Recreation car park. AFC Portchester, among others, wrote in support of the proposals.

We Did

Following analysis of the responses, a report was taken to the Executive Member for Health & Public Protection on 3 July 2023 where a delegated decision was made to adopt the Off Street Parking Places (Amendment 7) Order 2023. The Amendment Order came into effect on 1 August 2023.
Following concerns about the impact on local roads, the Executive Member also agreed to formally write to Hampshire County Council as the Highway Authority to request that double yellow lines, or other appropriate traffic management strategies, be installed on Cranleigh Road.
The full report and minutes of the delegated Executive Member decision can be found in the link above.
