We are asking
We are consulting on a new Draft Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Policy and we would like to understand your views concerning our proposals on how we tackle ASB within the Borough.
The policy sets out the Council's view of what ASB is, what our service standards are and what we want our services to achieve for victims and witnesses of anti-social behaviour.
You can read the proposed Draft Anti-Social Behaviour Policy in the PDF linked.
Tell us what you think about our proposals by completing the short survey linked by 19 August.
What can you Influence?
The contents of the policy document such as:
- the layout and design of the document
- the use and explanation of terminology
- what is covered within the policy document
What can't you Influence?
The regulated processes and procedures within the policy document.
You said

We did
The new Anti-Social Behaviour Policy was reviewed and adopted at an Executive meeting on 3 September
You can review the decision report to the Executive here
Following public consultation the below feedback was considered and the following changes were made to the policy document before it was submitted for adoption.
- Vehicle Nuisance issues were highlighted and this was added to the types of ASB covered in the policy.
- It was suggested the 4 week period from reporting an incident of ASB to an action plan is too long. The four-week period mentioned in the policy is the maximum time for an action plan to be agreed. Once reported work starts immediately and an assessment is made to whether any urgent enforcement action is needed.
- It was suggested in the final document that more explanation be given to what hate crime covers and the protected characteristics which may be affected by ASB e.g. sex, race, sexuality. This has been amended to include the full definition to include prejudice on the basis of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or similar grounds.
- There was a request to further define domestic abuse. This has been added to the Policy to cover the requirements of the Housing Regulator and the Domestic Abuse Act 2021
- The ASB flow chart featured in the policy was repositioned to the beginning of the document to ensure an easy-to-read summary.
- A definition of 'serious violence' was added to the policy document.