Lets Talk Fareham - Return to Open Consultations Page

Community Safety in Fareham

  1. 20 Oct 2023
  2. to
  3. 06 Nov 2023
  4. This consultation has closed

What we are proposing

We would like you to hear how safe you feel in the Borough. Your comments will help shape how Fareham and other organisations in the Community Safety Partnership, such as the Police, work to reduce crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour.

Once we have analysed the initial comments from this survey, we will consult again in more detail on an updated Community Safety Strategy for the Borough.

To let us know your views, please take part in the survey above before the 4th November 2023.

You Said

The survey took place from 20 October to 6 November and received a total of 175 responses. The questions posted on Let's Talk Fareham Facebook group received 105 comments.

The majority of suggestions made on what would make you feel safer were an increase of police presence and action against anti-social behaviour, improved street lighting and more CCTV cameras installed. The main areas of concern were the Town Centre, The Gillies, The Highlands and Broadlaw Walk.

Responses will be passed to the Community Safety Team to help us form the Draft Community Safety Strategy and we will be consulting residents on the strategy at a later date.
