Lets Talk Fareham - Return to Open Consultations Page

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

  1. 25 Jan 2018
  2. to
  3. 01 Feb 2018
  4. This consultation has closed

What we are proposing

Fareham Borough Council is consulting on changes to its Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulation 123 List. The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a levy charged on many types of new developments to fund infrastructure within Fareham Borough. The Council is required to publish a List (known as a Regulation 123 List) which sets out the types of infrastructure within the Borough which might be funded in full or part by CIL.

The proposed changes to the Regulation 123 List would allow the Council to seek seperate contributions for education provision, where it can be demonstrated there will be a shortfall in school places to meet the demand arising from particular development proposals.

You Said

17 representations were made regarding proposed changes to the Councils Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulation 123, which sets out the types of infrastructure which might be funded in part or full by CIL.

We Did

The Council approved the changes to the CIL at a special meeting of the Executive on 20th February 2018.

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