Lets Talk Fareham - Return to Open Consultations Page

Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule (Welborne)

  1. 19 Jun 2020
  2. to
  3. 31 Jul 2020
  4. This consultation has closed

What we are proposing

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is an important tool for local authorities to help deliver the infrastructure needed to support new development in their area. In the case of the Welborne development the Council takes the view that a Section 106 agreement will better ensure that the necessary funding is tied specifically to the requirements of each phase of the development. Therefore, the Council is consulting on an amendment to the CIL for Welborne Garden Village to be zero rated. Please click the Representations Procedure to find out how to respond to the consultation.

We Did

Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule (Welborne) is closed and the CIL charging schedule has been updated and is now in force.

A number of issues and other views were put forward in relation to the amendment to the CIL for Welborne Garden Village to be zero rated. Some of these along with responses can be found on this page:
