Lets Talk Fareham - Return to Open Consultations Page

Assheton Court Consultation

  1. 06 Oct 2021
  2. to
  3. 01 Nov 2021
  4. This consultation has closed

What we are proposing

The Council’s Executive has agreed the principle to redevelop the sheltered housing scheme at Assheton Court in Portchester and work is underway on the potential redevelopment design and approach.

You can look at the early proposals by visiting our virtual exhibition and then complete a quick survey up until 1 November.

There is also an exhibition at Portchester Parish Hall on 14 October between 4.30pm and 7pm.

You Said

This engagement exercise took place from 6 October to 1 November 2021 and received a total of 57 responses.

We Did

In January 2023, Fareham Housing secured planning permission for the redevelopment of Assheton Court in Portchester.

The redevelopment will mean that the existing 33 bed sheltered housing scheme will be demolished and replaced with a new purpose built 60 bed affordable housing development for the over 55s.

Work is underway on the technical design of the build and it is hoped that works will commence at some point in 2023.

As well as providing much needed affordable housing specifically for older persons, it is intended that the new development will deliver high levels of energy efficiency to help mitigate the climate emergency and impact of soaring fuel prices.
