Lets Talk Fareham - Return to Open Consultations Page

Making improvements to your Council home

  1. 17 Feb 2025
  2. to
  3. 31 Mar 2025
  4. Consultation closes in 1 days

We are asking

Fareham Borough Council has launched a public consultation to give Fareham residents the opportunity to have their say on a new draft Housing Alterations and Improvements policy.

The policy provides comprehensive information on the alterations process and procedures for all secure Fareham Housing tenants who wish to make DIY alterations to their home.

To make it easier to get key infomation quickly the Council has also produced an 'Easy Read' version of the policy.

The Council needs feedback and engagement from its tenants on the policy  and accompanying 'easy read' documents, to ensure that the Housing Alterations process is clear, concise and easy to follow.

Have your say by completing the survey by 31 March 2025

What can you Influence?

The look, layout and contents of the policy document and 'Easy Read' version.

What can't you Influence?

The Housing Alterations policy processes and procedures. 

Take part in the Survey
